Innovative technologies and chemicals
In this section we offer you all our cutting-edge products that you will need to carry out your cleaning and finishing work in the best possible way and without having any kind of problem.
For a better usability of the offer, we have considered it appropriate to divide them by type of garment, by type of washing and by specific problems.
The various types of garments also include subclasses of specific garments that require specific and / or additional technologies to those already proposed in the category to which they belong. So, if you want to immediately know the cleaning systems proposed for a certain subclass of specific garments, just click on the corresponding icon. as you will see in the next section.
Then choose the category of your garments (fabrics, leather, furs) and you will get to know all our best offers classified by type of washing (with water machines, with dry machines with perchlorine, with dry machines with hydrocarbons).
a continuous research
in order to offer,
for each type of garment
and for each washing system
maximum cleaning power
together with the delicacy
and with the utmost respect for the environment

Obviously they represent the most recent technologies of our company and, given the continuous research, they may be improved over time according to the evolution of chemistry, the sophistication of the garments due to fashion and, last but not least, the lower environmental impact.
For each product you will be able to see the description, any technical data sheet and, where possible, the videos of the courses relating to that washing system.
It is hardly necessary to point out that although the site is quite explanatory, you will never be left alone in choosing because you can always count on our support.
It is precisely the constant contact with our customers, which is the basis of our company policies, which has made us reach important goals in this specific sector both nationally and internationally. All your cases, your problems and your successes direct us more and more to develop exceptional chemical products from all points of view, not least the environmental one.
In the “accessories” section, you will also be able to find out about all our proposals, optimized in terms of quality-price, relating to all the accessories necessary for the laundry business. You will only have to ask to be best advised.